Main Body
3. Strategies
Shot strategies for the two most common situations in racquetball are discussed:
1. Situation 1 – Behind Your Opponent

Shot Options:
(Shot descriptions adapted from
Cross court shot: Hits the front wall at a point within 4 feet of the center of the front wall, depending on your court position, and rebounds directly to the opposite back corner. Hit the ball one to two feet high on the front wall so that it bounces twice before reaching the back corner.
Around the wall: This shot hits high on the side wall, then high on the front wall, then the other side wall. It then bounces in mid court, rebounds to the opposite side wall, and dies on the back wall.
Down the line: This shot travels from the front wall directly to the back corner on the same side of the court, bouncing twice before hitting the back wall without hitting the side wall. The target is a point on the front wall somewhere in the area between 4-8 feet from the side wall, depending on your court position.
Ceiling ball: The ceiling ball strikes the ceiling approximately 4-8 feet from the front wall, travels to the top of the front wall and lands deep in the backcourt.
2. Situation 2 – In Front of Your Opponent

Shot Options:
(Shot descriptions adapted from
Down the line: This shot travels from the front wall directly to the back corner on the same side of the court, bouncing twice before hitting the back wall without hitting the side wall. The target is a point on the front wall somewhere in the area between 4-8 feet from the side wall, depending on your court position.
Pinch shot: The pinch shot strikes the near side wall at a point two feet or lower within 4 feet or so of the front wall. The ball hits low on the front wall, rebounds sideways and bounces twice before hitting the opposite side wall.
Drop Shot: A soft shot that travels low into one of the front corners or into the crotch of the front wall so that the ball dies before crossing the short line.