
Why Do Some People Struggle to Study?


Picture: Siora Photography

You might assume that studying will be easy when you’re passionate about a program you enrolled in. After all, you love the content and can’t wait to use it in a future career. Still, that’s not everyone’s experience. Some people find studying extremely difficult, even when they know they want to pursue the subject matter for the rest of their working lives. If you’re struggling to study, it might be for some of the reasons below:

You Don’t Have Suitable Study Resources

No matter how many practical study tips you read, you might struggle to enjoy a successful study session if you don’t have the most appropriate resources. Your lecturer can provide you with a fundamental understanding of a topic, but you typically need books and other resources to tap into. These can help you deepen your knowledge.

Stationery and technology are of equal importance. If you don’t have pens, paper, and a laptop to study with, you might find the process much more challenging and stressful than someone who has everything they need.

You’re Not Enjoying the Subject

You might be passionate about the program that will guide you toward your career path. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy every subject within it. It’s not uncommon for students to see some topics as tedious or too challenging. You might then be less interested in focusing on them.

When all subjects within a program are necessary for you to pass your course, it’s crucial for you to put the effort in. Sometimes, seeing the bigger picture can give you the motivation you need to enjoy studying. Some students also see the value in joining study groups to make study sessions more entertaining. Studies have shown that adequately formulated study groups can be effective for problem-solving.

You’re Not in a Distraction-Free Area

The modern world is distracting. Most of us check our devices multiple times a day and can’t help but absent-mindedly browse social media. As a result, distraction-free study time can be a challenge.

Set up a quiet study space when you know you’re easily distracted by your phone, TV, and social media. You can also use browser apps on your laptop that stop you from visiting social media sites for set periods. The fewer distractions you have, the easier you might find it to study.

You Can’t Concentrate

You might have a distraction-free study area, but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy great productivity. Not everyone finds it easy to concentrate on the task at hand. Instead, their minds can wander, and very little work is achieved.

Think about why you can’t concentrate, and address the problem at the cause. For example, if something is on your mind, you might write it down to get it out of your head. If the study task feels too mammoth to achieve, break it down into smaller tasks you can focus on. Sometimes, taking a break from study can also make you feel more refreshed and ready to get back into it.

You are not alone in your study struggles. Many students find this task overwhelming. By identifying the cause, such as those above, you might be better positioned to solve the problem and start studying with more motivation and determination.


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